Encyclopedia Titanica

Mme. Aubart Returns to France

New York Times

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{Note: This is an excerpt from a longer article, headlined "SEES SOCIAL CHANGES," reporting on an interview with another Adriatic passenger, unrelated to Titanic or Mme. Aubart.}

Mrs. N. Aubart, a young Frenchwoman who was a survivor of the Titanic wreck, in which she lost everything she had, was a passenger on the Adriatic on her way back to Paris, accompanied by her maid. In her excitement owing to her nervous condition caused by the wreck Mrs. Aubart left her steamship ticket at 3 West Thirty-eighth Street, as well as her tickets from Liverpool to Paris. When the attention of Manager Jefferies of the line was called to the matter he instructed Purser Palmer to see that she received railroad tickets from the Liverpool office on her arrival.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Mme. Aubart Returns to France (New York Times, Friday 3rd May 1912, ref: #2373, published 24 February 2004, generated 6th December 2024 07:58:35 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mme-aubart-returns-france.html