H. W. Hibbs, of Hibbs & Co., the brokerage firm with which Clarence Moore was connected, definitely gave up hope this morning that his partner had been saved from the Titanic. Moores friends are said to have generally come to the same conclusion.
Their conclusions have not been communicated to Mrs. Moore, who is prostrated.
Yesterday, Mrs. Moore attempted to make arrangements to have a steamer sent out to aid in the search for the lost and was only dissuaded with difficulty by friends of her husband, who assured her that everything possible was being done to save passengers, give the survivors comfort, and to obtain a complete list of the names of the survivors
Their conclusions have not been communicated to Mrs. Moore, who is prostrated.
Yesterday, Mrs. Moore attempted to make arrangements to have a steamer sent out to aid in the search for the lost and was only dissuaded with difficulty by friends of her husband, who assured her that everything possible was being done to save passengers, give the survivors comfort, and to obtain a complete list of the names of the survivors
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