Encyclopedia Titanica


New-York Tribune

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Gives Boost to Line Whose Titanic Went to the Bottom
J. P. Morgan, who organized the International Mercantile Marine Company, is
giving a moral boost to the White Star Line, whose steamship Titanic went to
the bottom of the Atlantic in April. This news was brought to port
yesterday by Albert E. Yates, of San Francisco, a passenger on the White
Star liner Adriatic.

Mr. Yates, who has been abroad in the interest of the Panama-Pacific
exposition to be held in San Francisco, said Mr. Morgan lost no opportunity
to accompany friends to the steamships of the White Star Line. He said he
saw the financier at Euston Station bidding goodby to Charles Lanier, the
banker, as he was about to take the boat train for Liverpool, and heard him
praising the White Star Line. Mr. Morgan is a passenger on the White Star
liner Olympic, due here on Wednesday.

Mr. Lanier, who also was a passenger on the Adriatic, said Mr. Morgan, whom
he met in London, was disgusted with the political situation here. Mr.
Lanier said he himself believed that Mr. Taft would be re-elected.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2012) MORGAN COMING ON OLYMPIC (New-York Tribune, Saturday 20th July 1912, ref: #19125, published 20 July 2012, generated 30th November 2024 06:01:14 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/morgan-coming-on-olympic-19125.html