Eager as a Boy to Meet the Home-Coming Hamilton Children
When the White Star steamship Oceanic reacher [sic] her pier fromLiverpool yesterday morning the most eagerly expectant person awaitingher was J. Pierpont Morgan, who was there to greet Mr. and Mrs. W. T.Hamilton, his son-in-law and daughter, and the four little Hamiltons,Lawrence, Pierpont, Helen, and Alexander.
Mr.Morgan walked to the end of the pier while the big liner was beingwarped in, waving his hands to the four youngsters, who had managed topush themselves before their elders, and were standing in a row againstthe railing of the ship. Their hands began to flutter actively whenthey caught a glimpse of the financier amid the crowd.
When theship was about eight feet from the pier Mr. Morgan held out his handsand playfully shouted to Pierpont, who was nearest:
"Jump, Pierpont, jump over to grandpa."
A cautious hand from behind checked the boy or he might have taken the leap.
When the gangplank was run out to the ship Mr. Morgan was the first tocross it. He kissed each of the Hamiltons with a resounding smack. Thenhe helped to hustle the new arrivals into a waiting carriage.
Besidesthe Hamiltons there were also on the ship Willie Collier, the actor;Ida Conquest, and "Doc" Owens, the card player, who has not reformedsufficiently to lose all interest in the great American game of poker, as he demonstrated on the voyage.
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