Tells a Doubtful Fellow-Traveler He'll Change His Mind About Them
Erie Issues Lead It-Dividend on the Second Preferred May Be
Passed---Gold Coming Soon
Special Cablegram
Copyright, 1907, By THE NEW YORK TIMES
LONDON, March 22--.J. Pierpont Morgan was one of the passengers who
landed this morning from the White Star liner Baltic.
A newspaper man who also crossed on the Baltic tells me that he tried in
vain to get Mr. Morgan to talk for publication about the Wall Street
flurry. The most that Mr. Morgan said to anybody he said to an
Englishman who expressed his fears concerning American railway stocks.
"You will change your mind," Mr. Morgan quietly remarked.
Mr. Morgan spent the day in Liverpool and witnessed the Grand
Mr. Morgan denied the current rumor that he bad come to Europe in order
to attend a conference on the subject of the North Atlantic passenger
business, regarding which negotiations are at present proceeding.
[The balance of this article is unrelated to Morgan or Baltic and has
therefore not been transcribed. ]
Erie Issues Lead It-Dividend on the Second Preferred May Be
Passed---Gold Coming Soon
Special Cablegram
Copyright, 1907, By THE NEW YORK TIMES
LONDON, March 22--.J. Pierpont Morgan was one of the passengers who
landed this morning from the White Star liner Baltic.
A newspaper man who also crossed on the Baltic tells me that he tried in
vain to get Mr. Morgan to talk for publication about the Wall Street
flurry. The most that Mr. Morgan said to anybody he said to an
Englishman who expressed his fears concerning American railway stocks.
"You will change your mind," Mr. Morgan quietly remarked.
Mr. Morgan spent the day in Liverpool and witnessed the Grand
Mr. Morgan denied the current rumor that he bad come to Europe in order
to attend a conference on the subject of the North Atlantic passenger
business, regarding which negotiations are at present proceeding.
[The balance of this article is unrelated to Morgan or Baltic and has
therefore not been transcribed.
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