Encyclopedia Titanica

Morgan May Act as a Peace Envoy

Berlin Thinks That, Unofficially, He Will Try to End the Turkish-Italian Conflict

New York Times

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After Seeing Kaiser at Venice---Belief That Turkish Officials Will Listen to Him Respectfully

By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times

The latest account of the projected meeting between the Kaiser and J. Pierpont Morgan comes from Berlin.

The Kaiser, it is stated, requested Mr. Morgan to meet him in Venice. Mr. Morgan recently presented to his Majesty an autograph letter of Martin Luther. It was handed to the Kaiser by the American Ambassador, and the Kaiser expressed a desire to thank Mr. Morgan personally. He directed that the letter be sent to Jena University, where it will be kept in a monumental marble showcase designed by his Majesty. The Berlin dispatch adds:

"But the interest in Mr. Morgan's visit is more than that. The American financier has just had interviews at Rome with King Victor Emmanuel, the Italian Premier, and other high officials, and is now arranging to visit Constantinople, where he will have audiences with the Sultan and the Turkish Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Finance.

"It is believed in Berlin that these meetings may have something to do with the efforts being made to bring the Turco-Italian war to an end.

"The medium of the American financier would, of course, be unofficial and a novel experiment in diplomacy, but it is thought that Mr. Morgan's views will be listened to with respect in Constantinople."

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2008) Morgan May Act as a Peace Envoy (New York Times, Tuesday 9th April 1912, ref: #6128, published 5 May 2008, generated 16th September 2024 05:15:32 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/morgan-peace-envoy.html