Encyclopedia Titanica


Michigan City Woman Brings Word of Drowning of South Bend Men

The South Bend Tribune

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by Michael D. Lacopo (transcriber)

Mohammed Mustafa Ajamy and Miss Fatima Muselmanie, the latter a Titanic survivor and the woman who brought word of the drowning of four young Syrians bound for South Bend, were married here yesterday by Justice Schwein. Mrs. Ajamy is a native of Syria as is also Mr. Ajamy, and although she survived the terrible disaster at sea and is today a bride, she is not as happy as one might suppose. When the great ship went down, her two older brothers gave up their lives that she and others of the women passengers might safely escape in the lifeboats. The young woman was prostrated for several days after the disaster and when she was able to travel came here from New York. She relates in her native tongue a thrilling account of the great disaster and her personal experiences.

Related Biographies

Fatīmah Muhammad Muslamānī


Michael D. Lacopo

Comment and discuss

  1. Fatima Moslimani Vangel Fatima Moslimani Vangel
    Fatima Moslimani correct spelling she is my Aunt my Father's sister. My Dad n Fatima owners of Rental properties on Canterbury st Dearborn Mi. I named after her, and real blood niece would love to correct the stories. My Aunt Saved the Famous owner builder Joseph Ismay he pretending to help her, and a child on the Collapsible C Life Boat, but also jumped in to save hisself. I, and my siblings have the real stories about Titanic. I still have her watch she wore on the ship.
  2. Fatima Moslimani Vangel Fatima Moslimani Vangel
    Mousselmani Incorrect!!!!!! Who did this!!!!!! Iam the true blood niece spelled Moslimani my father her Blood Brother! More spelled Muselimani!!!!
  3. Sarah S Sarah S
    Hello, I have a question about her,On this website Fatima is listed among people with „criminal“ backround, but nothing is clarified.It just says:„Exact details of her misdemeanours are unknown, further research needed“If no research has been done, how did people come to the conclusion there were any „misdemeanours“? If nothing is factually reported to have happened, then she shouldn’t be brandmarked with no evidence.Maybe someone can enlighten me, thank you.
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) TITANIC SURVIVOR WEDS (The South Bend Tribune, Wednesday 8th May 1912, ref: #4911, published 26 November 2005, generated 28th November 2024 04:56:57 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mousselmani.html