The Carpathia has brought to New York no news of Mr H Forbes Julian, who was well known among metallurgical engineers.
From 1886 to 1893 he was consultant for mines at Barberton, Johannesburg, and Kimberley, superintending the opening of mines and, the erection and operation of mills and reduction plants. From 1893, as technical adviser on mining and metallurgical matters to the Deutsche Gold and Silver Schiede Anstalt, of Frankfurt, he conducted extensive metallurgica1 researches which provided the basis for improvements in the recovery of the precious metals from ores. He will be remembered as the joint author of “Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores” which, as a text-book on cyanidation, has been widely consulted. As consulting engineer to Charles Butters and Co for the past six years he has helped to develop the process which has worked such a wonderful change in the metallurgy of gold and silver ores. He was a member of the General Committee of the British Association and a contributor to the work of the Chemical Section.
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