Liner France Carrying Funeral Party Leaves Havre
Special Cable Despatch to THE SUN
HAVRE, April 5---The steamship France of the French line left Havre this
evening at 7:30 o'clock for New York, carrying the body of J. P. Morgan and
the members of the Morgan party. At the last moment the Morgan party was
joined by H. H. Harjes, Mr. Morgan's partner in Paris, who arrived at Havre
on the regular boat train.
The body of the late financier reposes in a double coffin mortuary chapel,
which is half filled with flowers and floral tributes from the friends of
Mr. Morgan. Up to a few minutes before the France left the pier flowers
were continually arriving from Paris and London. Among the tributes were
those from United States Ambassador Herrick and the French Government.
One hundred passengers for the France were brought to Havre on the boat
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