Encyclopedia Titanica


Newark Star

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Nothing Heard of Three Other Essex Men Who Were on Doomed Ship
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Henry Stengel were rejoiced yesterday when a wireless message was received from Mr. Ivan Stengel stating that his father and mother were safe on board the Carpathia. The news spread like wildfire, and scores called up the Stengel home to verify the glad tidings.

The wording of the message has given rise to numerous conjectures as to whether Mr. or Mrs. Stengel may not be suffering ill effects as the result of their terrible experience, as two automobiles were requested by Mr. Stengel to be at the dock when the vessel arrives. Another construction placed on the message is that Mr. and Mrs. Stengel will bring other of the survivors to their home. The message read:

"Both on Carpathia. Have two automobiles to meet Carpathia. Have some survivors with us."

It was signed "Henry Stengel" and was transmitted via Halifax.

No direct message has been received from Mr. Henry Blank, of 138 Ridgewood avenue, Glen Ridge, but it is stated by officials of the steamship company that he is among the survivors on the Carpathia.

In other homes of passengers who were on the Titanic the meagre comfort of even a company assurance has been denied and the relatives are prostrated with grief. Absolutely no word has been received of W. Anderson Walker, of East Orange, either by direct message or through the steamship company. Mrs. Walker is prostrated.

It is believed that Augustus Smith, of 59 Halsey street, was one of those on the doomed vessel. Mr. Smith has been abroad for a year and from letters received from him it is believed he contemplated taking passage on the Titanic. But his name does not appear on the list of those rescued.

Hope has also been practically abandoned for John S. March, who was assistant to the third engineer on the ship. Mrs. March was a resident of England, but his sister resides in Newark.

[Note: Mr. March was not an engineer; he was a postal clerk. The final paragraph of this article seems to combine details relating to him with details relating to Johnathan Shepherd.]


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) MR. STENGEL SENDS WORD HE IS SAFE (Newark Star, Thursday 18th April 1912, ref: #3053, published 22 June 2004, generated 6th December 2024 08:25:35 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mr-stengel-sends-word-he-is-safe.html