Encyclopedia Titanica


Washington Herald

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Young Bride of New Yorker Who Perished on Point of Hysteria
New York, April 18---Mrs. John Jacob Astor was assisted to the pier from the Carpathia by two officers of the boat. She was hysterical, and so plainly upon the point of collapse that her sister, Katharine Force, who had come to meet her, was forced to support her to a seat inside the building. Mrs. Astor embraced her sister and asked her sobbingly:

“Have you heard from any one else?"

“No,” said Miss Force, and Mrs. Astor broke out weeping again. In five minutes she said she was able to go to the automobile that awaited her, and on the arm of her sister and two friends she was half carried to the machine. From there she was taken to the Force home, where she met her parents. Mrs. Astor and her family denied themselves to all inquirers. It was said that while Mrs. Astor was not in a serious condition, she was suffering greatly from shock and grief.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) MRS. ASTOR NEAR COLLAPSE AT PIER (Washington Herald, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #4108, published 1 November 2004, generated 9th December 2024 12:58:59 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-astor-near-collapse-at-pier.html