Mrs. E. G. Crosy, wife of Captain E. G. Crosby of the Crosby Lake Steamshipp Company, and her daughter, Miss Hattie Crosby, of Milwaukee, who were in the ill-fated ship, arrived in Chicago yesterday afternoon. Captain Crosby was drowned. Mrs. Crosby and her daughter were accompanied by Frank Walsh of the Crosby company, who met them in New York. They were then met in Chicago by Fred Crosby of Milwaukee, a son, and Chicago friends., including Mrs. William A. Campbell, wife of Dr. William A. Campbell of 4639 Prairie avenue.
Miss Crosby briefly discussed her experience in the shipwreck. She censured the conduct of the officers and crew of the Titanic, declaring they were too excited to give any attention to the women whom they thrust into the lifeboats.
"Everybody was so excited," said Miss Crosby, "that they piled women and children into the lifeboats without knowing whether the plugs were in the bottom of the lifeboats."
Chicago Record-Herald, Tuesday, April 23, 1912, p. 2, c. 5
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