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New York Times

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Head of the American Fund for French Wounded Won Croix de Guerre---Titanic Survivor
COOPERSTOWN, N. Y., Dec. 29---Mrs. Emily Borie Sherfesee, wife of Forsythe Sherfesee, former fianancial adviser to the Chinese Government and former head of the United States Forestry Service in Philippines, died suddenly Thursday in Montevideo, Uruguay, after a heart attack, according to word received here today by her daughter, Mrs. S. Bach [sic] Cooke. She was 76 years old.

Mrs. Sherfesee had been associated with Herbert Hoover during the World War in France as head of the American Fund for French Wounded and the Society for Fatherless Children in France. She received the Croix de Guerre from the French Government and acaompanied President Hoover on his good-will tour to South America.

Born in Philadelphia, the daughter of John J. and Susan Halsey Borie, she was married first to Arthur Ryerson of Chicago. The Ryersons made their home here since 1898 and Mrs. Sherfesee maintained the home to her death. Mr. Ryerson went down on the Titanic. His wife was also a passenger on the ship. She was married to Mr. Sherfesee in 1927.

The Sherfesees maintained a permanent home in Cap Ferrat, France, but returned here when war threatened. They were on a pleasure visit to South America when Mrs. Sherfesee died. The body will be brought here on the linre [sic] Brazil, which is expected to arrive in New York Jan. 21. Burial will be in the Ryerson family plot in Lakewood Cemetery here.

Mrs. Sherfesee is survived by three children by her first marriage, Mrs. Cooke, another daughter, Mrs. Ellen Salvatore, wife of Victor Salvatore, the artist, and a son, Jack B. Ryerson, noted golfer, and two sisters. Miss Sophie Borie of New York and Mrs. Arthur Rush of Jenkintown, Pa.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) MRS. E. B. SHERFESEE, ONCE HOOVER AIDE (New York Times, Saturday 30th December 1939, ref: #3478, published 18 August 2004, generated 4th October 2024 06:59:52 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-e-b-sherfesee-once-hoover-aide.html