Encyclopedia Titanica

Mrs. Eloise Hughes Smith Reweds

Prominent in Washington society

New York Times

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HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Apr. 10---Mrs. Eloise Hughes Smith, a survivor of the Titanic disaster, to whom a divorce was granted a month ago from Robert P. Daniel of Philadelphia, another survivor of the same disaster, was married Saturday at Ironton, Ohio, to L. C. Cort of Huntington, a former Pennsylvania State athlete, the bride's mother, Mrs. James A. Hughes, announced last night. Mrs. Cort's first husband, Lucien P. Smith of Uniontown, Pa., was drowned when the Titanic sunk [sic] and the encounter in mid-ocean between Daniel and his widow culminated several years later in their marriage. Mrs. Cort, who is the daughter of former Congressman Hughes, is prominent in Washington society.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Mrs. Eloise Hughes Smith Reweds (New York Times, Wednesday 11th April 1923, ref: #2371, published 23 February 2004, generated 2nd December 2024 12:11:33 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-eloise-hughes-smith-reweds.html