Encyclopedia Titanica

Mrs. Jane Quick

Detroit Journal

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Mrs. Jane Quick, wife of Frederick Quick 383 Brooklyn Avenue, with her two daughters, one aged eight and the other three years, all survivors of the Titanic, also arrived on the same train with Mrs Hamlin.
''Jane''! cried a mans voice as Mrs. Quick prepared to step from the coach with her children. A man rushed up, unconscious of the stares of curious travellers, and took his wife in his arms. The two children danced with glee at the pleasure of being home again with their father.
''Oh Fred, it was terrible'', sobbed Mrs. Quick as she buried her head on her husband's shoulder, ''I never expected to see my loved ones again''.
Mrs. Quick and her children came from Plymouth, England, to join her husband who works for a Detroit contractor.
With her children Mrs. Quick was placed in lifeboat 11.''
Our boat was one of the first to leave the ship . . .


Brian J. Ticehurst, UK

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) Mrs. Jane Quick (Detroit Journal, Saturday 20th April 1912, ref: #1628, published 28 August 2003, generated 5th December 2024 11:04:42 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-jane-quick.html