On board the Titanic were Mrs. Paul Schabert (American) and Mr. Phil E. Mock, who bought their tickets from the White Star Line agency in Nice and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Smith who booked their passage from Monte-Carlo.
Mr. Nauth, the White Star Line agent, told us that, according to a cable received from his Company, the former ones are saved. It is believed that Mrs. Smith certainly escaped the disaster, but Mr. Smith is reported missing.
Mrs. Smith felt like some indistinct premonition when she bought their tickets in Monte-Carlo. Indeed, she told Mr. Nauth when he delivered the tickets:
“We were on the Olympic when she lost her propeller. We hope that this time we are not going to sink”.
It is thought that amongst the passengers of the Titanic was an American citizen who is well known in Nice, Mr. A. A. Stewart, who, two years ago, was the guest of the villa Espalmador, in Saint-Jean. His wife is currently in Paris, whereas his daughter, Mrs. Taft, is on holiday in San Remo. No news of him were received anywhere.
---------- Original article in French ----------
A bord du Titanic se trouvaient Mrs Paul Schabert (Américaine) et Mr Phil E. Mock, qui avaient pris leurs billets à l’Agence de Nice de la White Star Line et Mr et Mrs L. P. Smith qui s’étaient inscrits dans les bureaux de Monte-Carlo.
M. Nauth, l’agent de la White Star Line, nous informe que, d’après une dépêche de la Compagnie, les deux premiers seraient sauvés. On croit que Mrs Smith aurait également pu échapper au désastre, tandis que Mr Smith aurait péri.
Mrs Smith avait comme un confus pressentiment quand elle prit son billet à Monte-Carlo. Elle dit, en effet, à M. Nauth qui le lui délivrait :
« Nous étions sur l’Olympic quand il perdit son hélice. Espérons que cette fois nous n’allons pas couler ».
Il est probable que parmi les passagers du Titanic se trouvait un Américain bien connu à Nice, M. A. A. Stewart, qui fut, il y a deux ans, l’hôte de la villa Espalmador, à Saint-Jean. Sa femme se trouve actuellement à Paris, tandis que sa fille, Mme Taft, villégiature à San Remo. On est sans nouvelles de lui.
On board the Titanic were Mrs. Paul Schabert (American) and Mr. Phil E. Mock, who bought their tickets from the White Star Line agency in Nice and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Smith who booked their passage from Monte-Carlo.
Mr. Nauth, the White Star Line agent, told us that, according to a cable received from his Company, the former ones are saved. It is believed that Mrs. Smith certainly escaped the disaster, but Mr. Smith is reported missing.
Mrs. Smith felt like some indistinct premonition when she bought their tickets in Monte-Carlo. Indeed, she told Mr. Nauth when he delivered the tickets:
“We were on the Olympic when she lost her propeller. We hope that this time we are not going to sink”.
It is thought that amongst the passengers of the Titanic was an American citizen who is well known in Nice, Mr. A. A. Stewart, who, two years ago, was the guest of the villa Espalmador, in Saint-Jean. His wife is currently in Paris, whereas his daughter, Mrs. Taft, is on holiday in San Remo. No news of him were received anywhere.
---------- Original article in French ----------
A bord du Titanic se trouvaient Mrs Paul Schabert (Américaine) et Mr Phil E. Mock, qui avaient pris leurs billets à l’Agence de Nice de la White Star Line et Mr et Mrs L. P. Smith qui s’étaient inscrits dans les bureaux de Monte-Carlo.
M. Nauth, l’agent de la White Star Line, nous informe que, d’après une dépêche de la Compagnie, les deux premiers seraient sauvés. On croit que Mrs Smith aurait également pu échapper au désastre, tandis que Mr Smith aurait péri.
Mrs Smith avait comme un confus pressentiment quand elle prit son billet à Monte-Carlo. Elle dit, en effet, à M. Nauth qui le lui délivrait :
« Nous étions sur l’Olympic quand il perdit son hélice. Espérons que cette fois nous n’allons pas couler ».
Il est probable que parmi les passagers du Titanic se trouvait un Américain bien connu à Nice, M. A. A. Stewart, qui fut, il y a deux ans, l’hôte de la villa Espalmador, à Saint-Jean. Sa femme se trouve actuellement à Paris, tandis que sa fille, Mme Taft, villégiature à San Remo. On est sans nouvelles de lui.
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