Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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Titanic Victim's Estate Divided Equally Among Six Children
Mrs. Ida Straus, who perished with her husband, Isidor Straus, in the Titanic disaster on April 15, 1912, left a net estate of $319,940, according to an appraisal of her estate filed yesterday. As she left no will, her estate was divided equally among her six children, Jesse, Percy, and Herbert Straus, and Mrs. Sarah S. Hess, Mrs. Minnie S. Weil, and Mrs. Vivian S. Scheftel.

Mrs. Straus had bank accounts of $1,202, silverware valued at $1,688, jewelry valued at $3,848, and stocks worth $67,712. She had also an account as a depositor with L. Straus & Sons, which, with interests, amounted to $261,126.

The jewelry owned by Mrs. Straus included a guard chain of gold set with twelve diamonds and twelve Oriental pearls, a brooch with thirty-one diamonds, a hairpin of amber with a scroll of platinum and gold, mounted with 125 diamonds, and a platinum brooch containing 130 diamonds and eight pearls.

Mrs. Straus's stocks consisted of fifty shares of New York County National Bank, fifty shares of Second National Bank, and twenty-five shares of the Germania Bank of Savannah, Ga.


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) MRS. STRAUS LEFT $319,940 (New York Times, Wednesday 29th April 1914, ref: #3640, published 1 September 2004, generated 9th September 2024 09:01:23 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-straus-left-319940.html