With the hope gone that the French children rescued from the Titanic and under care in New York might be his, Francois Lefebre, the Mystic man who started east with hopeful anticipations, has returned without the children.
He stopped at Chicago and got into communication with the French consul there, who took up the investigation. Mr. Lebebre had a picture of his wife and four children taken only the week before she sailed, which she had sent him. This picture was placed in the hands of the consul who sent it to New York to be compared with the children there. It was sent back with the report that no such children were saved.
Then Mr. Lefebre returned to Mystic realizing that hope of ever seeing any of his family of five who were aboard the Titanic was gone. He was very grateful to Mystic people who raised him a purse to go to Chicago to investigate.
It is reported that 13 French children were among the saved, some of them in New York hospitals, besides the two in charge of Miss Hays, one of the survivors who took care of them after they were thrown into the lifeboat. She may adopt these two. Yesterdays dispatches report that one of the children is among the 200 bodies recovered floating near the scene of the wreck.
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