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New York Times

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New Members Admitted---Models for the Paris Exposition
The adjourned third general meeting of the New York Yacht Club was held yesterday afternoon in Delmonico's, Beaver Street. The principal business transacted was the election of a number of candidates for membership whose names had not been posted a sufficient length of time at the date of the last meeting to allow them all the privileges of the club during the Summer. In the absence of the two senior flag officers, Rear Commodore August Belmont presided, and called the meeting to order with J. V. S. Oddie acting as scribe.

The Regatta Committee was authorized to offer a prize for special thirty-footers in the annual regatta, and an effort will be made to have all of this popular class as competitors. A communication was read from Rear Admiral Sampson acknowledging the courtesy of the club in tendering the use of the Newport station to himself and other naval officers during the Summer. A letter was also received from Capt. Buchan, a member of the club, who is also an attaché of the American committee to the Paris Exposition in 1900.

Mr. Buchan is interested in the yachting exhibition, and requested the loan of several full-rigged and other models owned by the club and promised that they would be made a feature of the display. The models that are particularly valuable will include one of the Defender, champion of 1895, and probably one of the new aspirant for international honors, the Columbia. The communication was referred to a committee composed of the flag officers and Secretary Oddie.

The membership roll of the club has increased rapidly since the work of building the new house has begun, and at present contains 1,400 names, nearly 200 of which are naval officers. The club fleet consists of 395 vessels.

The following candidates were unanimously elected to full membership: Harrison J. Drummond, Charles E. Danforth, Jr., James Baird, J. Herbert Ballantine, Charles Schumacher, George Marshall Allen, Clarkson Cowl, Eugene A. Robinson, A. Wendell Jackson, Edward J. Hall, Charles L. Leonorie, G. Barclay Rives, Edward A. Sumner, Charles E. Potter, Henry G. Runkle, J. R. Stanton, Joseph Alexander McCord, Dr. W. Whitehead Gilfillan, Albert S. Johnson, William Otis Gay, Lieut. Commander Kossuth Niles, United States Navy; John G. A. Leishman, Thomas D. Martinez Cardeza, Louis T. Haggin, John U. Fraley, Alessandro Fabbri, Henry B. Lockwood, Lieut. H. F. Bryan, United States Navy, and Surgeon A. C. H. Russell, United States Navy.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) NEW YORK YACHT CLUB (New York Times, Friday 16th June 1899, ref: #3892, published 5 October 2004, generated 7th February 2025 04:21:19 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/new-york-yacht-club.html