Encyclopedia Titanica

Niagara Near Titanic's Fate

French Liner Arrives Under Own Power After Striking Iceberg.

Chicago Record-Herald

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Close to where the Titanic sank the new French line steamer Niagara on the night of April 10 crashed into an ice field and sent out a wireless “S.O.S.” call. Captain Juham today, after the Niagara had berthed, said there was a thick mist at the time and his ship was being run at reduced speed.

The vessel had been brushing against small ice floes for some time when there came a severe shock. The passengers in alarm rushed to the decks in swarms. Captain Juham ordered the “S.O.S.” call of distress and asked immediate assistance.

The commander made an inspection of his ship and found that, although it was leaking, due to the buckling of some of the plates below the water line, it was in no immediate danger, where upon he sent out the second wireless saying he could proceed to New York under his own power. The ship upon arrival here today showed little indication that it had suffered, although there was some water in the hold.


Thomas E. Golembiewski

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) Niagara Near Titanic's Fate (Chicago Record-Herald, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #10888, published 17 June 2009, generated 3rd December 2024 10:26:20 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/niagara-near-titanics-fate.html