Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic Relief Fund (1)

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(From the Minute Book of the White Star Company)

The White Star Company had a Committee meeting on 23rd July 1912 at 10 Winter Street, Liverpool at 11.55am. Present Mr. J. Bruce Ismay (in the chair) and others.

During the meeting it was announced that the following cases were reported together with amounts paid into Court:

A. D. Nichols - Third Class Steward - Wages £3 15 0d - Dependants - Mother and Sister - £288.

(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)

Number 14. Nichols, Jane, widow. Children: Thomas A and Jane A. All class E dependants.

(Extract from the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book, Southampton Area, November 1914)

Case number 14. Nichols. Mrs. Nicholls (widow) is a dependent in Class E. The deceased was boatswain on the Titanic and the Committee satisfied itself that the case was entitled to be placed in Class C. It was however considered undesirable to re-open the classification settled by the White Star line and the Committee therefore decided to meet the circumstances of the case by making up the difference between Class E. and Class C., viz;- 10/- per week from the Compassionate Fund. The Auditors have drawn the Committee's attention to the fact that an allowance of this description is not strictly one which should be dealt with out of the Compassionate Fund and it is therefore recommended that authority be given to pay the additional 10/- per week as a Scale Allowance.

(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)

Number 14. Nicholls, Jane, widow. Children: Thomas A and Jane A. All class E dependants.

(Extract from the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book, Southampton Area, November 1914)

Case number 14. Nicholls. Thomas Nicholls, son, aged 15 years. Authority was given for payment of £7 towards School Fees for a period of one year now expired.

Recommend to vote a further grant at the rate of £7 per annum towards cost of fees to end of school period at the discretion of the Southampton Committee.

(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area)

Date December 22nd 1913.

Case number C14. That payment be authorised for the boy to attend Tauntons Secondary Modern School and fees of £2 6s 8d be paid.

(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area)

Date June 30th 1923.

That the Committee authorise School Fees or Apprenticeship grants in this case.

Related Biographies

Albert William Stanley Nichols


Brian J. Ticehurst, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) Titanic Relief Fund (1) ( ref: #4872, published ">31 October 2005, generated 11th September 2024 08:30:29 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/nicholls-relief.html