WAS born on the 31st March, 1880, at Whitehaven, Cumberland. When quite young his parents moved to Blackburn, where he passed his apprenticeship days with the firm of James Davenport, of the Canal Works. From this firm he went to Messrs Howard & Bullough, Ltd., of Accrington, for a time, and later to Messrs, Hadfields, Ltd., Sheffield. Desiring to go to sea he secured a berth on a steamer belonging to Messrs. W. S. Kennaugh & Sons, Liverpool, trading to South America. He came home, secured his second-class certificate and joined the Lowther Castle of the same firm, trading between New York and China and Japan, during the period of the Russo-Japanese War. After securing his chief's certificate he joined White Star and served on the Adriatic, Teutonic, Olympic and Titanic. He also had also served in the St. Paul. His great ambition was to become the chief of a White Star Liner. Mr. Shepherd was of a good natured and jovial disposition and well liked by every one with whom he came in contact. He was unmarried.
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