Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic passengers from Switzerland

On board the "Titanic" were a few people from Switzerland

Le Journal de Genève

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The travel agency in Bale received a wireless message from the White Star Line, confirming that 675 passengers and crew of the "Titanic" were saved.

On board the "Titanic" were a few people from Switzerland, such as the Zurich family Froelicher-Staehli (3 people), Miss Aloyse Haas from Altorf, Miss Bertha Lehmann from Loetzwill (Bern) as well as two gentlement from Bale, colonel A. Simonius, president of the Bankverein of Switzerland, and Dr. Max Staehelin, director of the Bale Swiss Trustee.

In second class were Mr. Théodore Jerwan, from Mont de Couvet (Neuchatel) and in third class were the Kink family from Zurich (five adults and a child), and at last Mr. Albert Wirz from Zurich.

On board the liner was also Mr. Duane Williams, who is well known in Geneva, a city he really enjoyed, and his son, Mr. Richard Williams, who was going to sit for exams at Harvard University. Mrs. Williams remained in Geneva.

----- Original French article -----

L'agence de voyage de Bâle a reçu de la White Star Line un télégramme qui confirme que 675 passagers et hommes d'équipage du "Titanic" ont été sauvés. A bord du "Titanic" se trouvait un certain nombre de Suisses, ainsi une famille Froelicher-Staehli, de Zurich, comprenant trois personnes, Mlle Aloyse Haas, d'Altorf, Mlle Bertha Lehmann, de Loetzwill, Berne, ainsi que deux messieurs de Bâle, le colonel A. Simonius, président de la Bankverein suisse, le Dr Max Staehelin, directeur de la S. A. fiduciaire suisse à Bâle. Comme passager de deuxième classe, Monsieur Théodore Jerwann, de Mont de Couvet (Neuchatel), et comme passager de troisième classe, la famille Kink de Zurich, comprenant cinq personnes et un enfant, enfin M. Albert Wirz de Zurich.
A bord du navire se trouvait également M. Duane Williams, bien connu à Genève, à laquelle il était très attaché, et son fils, M. Richard Williams, qui allait passer des examens à l'université de Harvard. Mme Williams est restée à Genève.

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  1. Marisa77 Marisa77
    Unfortunately I don't know this Family. My family also lost a member. An uncle of my grandmother. His name was Gérald Grosclaude, born on 7 October 1887 at Fleurier, Switzerland. This is correct. I did my research. He was 24 years old, when he worked as a coffe man at the Titanic.Unfortunatley, his body was never been found or identified. And until today, I had no contact to someone from the Swiss victim group of the Titanic disaster who can confirm that they know him :-(I think, he went to this ship alone. Without any information to his family in Switzerland. :-(
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Titanic passengers from Switzerland (Le Journal de Genève, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #2959, published 29 May 2004, generated 23rd January 2025 02:39:27 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/on-passengers-from-switzerland.html