Encyclopedia Titanica

Fashions at the Palace

New York Times

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Lady Duff-Gordon and Her Models Back
Effective War Play

The changing season, with its accompanying change in feminine fashions, brought Lady Duff-Gordon and her gorgeously clad models back to the Palace Theatre yesterday afternoon. A generally good program also includes a melodramatic war bit by Richard Madden, called "Where Things Happen." Its effectiveness arises less from its story, which is simple, than from the method of presentation. A black curtain, a shaft of light, and a single piece of furniture---these suggest the stage setting. The method is not new to vaudeville, and is immeasurably superior to the average "realistic" scenic effects.

Johnny Dooley is also present, but taking care to be not quite as funny as he can---the fault of the weather, presumably. There are also Sophie Tucker and her ragtime; the two Arnauts, adding one or two new stunts to their familiar répertoire, and Charles de Haven and Fred Nice, dancers.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) Fashions at the Palace (New York Times, Tuesday 28th May 1918, ref: #4884, published 8 November 2005, generated 7th February 2025 01:50:42 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/palace-fashion-2.html