MBE awarded March 1946.
Purser SS Mataroa of the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company Ltd.
Awarded for long and meritorious service at sea and in dangerous waters during the war. He served as a Purser for the company for 20 years, transporting large numbers of troops during World War 2. At all times he proved conscientious and capable, giving loyal and devoted service.
His father was Henry Pitman. He had a brother, William Henry Pitman
His sea career in chronological order...
Served with James Nourse Ltd. 4 years as an apprentice, 5 as a deck officer.
Served Blue Anchor Line (U.K. to Australia) for one year as a deck officer.
While employed with Blue Anchor he obtained his Masters Certificate.
Served with he Shire Line (U.K. to Japan) for 6 months as a deck officer.
Served with White Star 5 years prior to joining Titanic.
His ship just before Titanic was Oceanic.
Sometime after the sinking he married Mimi Kalman. She pre-deceased him some time before he died.
He died of a Subarachnoid haemorrhage.
In April 1998 at Sothebys Auction in London Several Lots pertaining to Third Officer Herbert J. Pitman were sold.
Lot 261A his group of medals made £4,370.
Lot 261B a manuscript detailing his experiences - did not reach reserve.
261C A silver cigarette case believed to have been given to Mr. Pitman by the Goldbergs - fellow survivors in lifeboats number 5 - made £920.
261D A typed transcript of Herbert Pitman's account of the disaster for use at the Board of trade enquiry made £460.
261G A collection of telegrams, letters, postcards and newspaper relating to Herbert Pitman and the Titanic disaster made £1,265.
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