Encyclopedia Titanica


Washington Herald

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Atlanta, April 17---"Turn down a glass for me," was the last written message Jacques Futrelle sent from Europe to a friend in Atlanta.

Hugh Cordosk received the following note a few days before Futrelle sailed:

"Been all over Italy, Austria, Germany, and France. Sail for home soon. Turn down a glass for me. Futrelle."

Futrelle had a premonition of tragedy two weeks before he and his wife sailed. They took the precaution of sending from London to Mrs. Futrelle's brother, John Peele, of Atlanta, powers of attorney for the administration of their estates should anything befall them.

Directions were also given as to the future care of their children. The novelist sent a list of the banking houses where he had his money and securities.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) PREMONITION CAME TO NOTED NOVELIST (Washington Herald, Thursday 18th April 1912, ref: #4096, published 29 October 2004, generated 28th November 2024 05:27:11 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/premonition-came-noted-novelist.html