| -1- PERSONAL APPEARANCE FOR Sunday, May 10, 1934 HEADLINES OF OTHER DAYS ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, once again we are pleased to present a speaker on tonight's "Headlines of Other Days" program who has been identified with the news story of the Sinking of the Titanic which we have just retold. This man was a quartermaster on the Titanic and was in charge of one of the lifeboats which was sent out from the sinking liner. He is one of a small number of the crew to escape with his life. His is Albert Edward Horswell, a resident of Gary, Indiana, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Horswell started his career as a sailor at the age of eleven years and pursued the seafaring life until fourteen years ago when he came ashore for the last time and accepted a position at Gary, Indiana. Mr. Horswell: MR. HORSWELL From the time I was a kid in Edinburgh I was crazy to be a sailor. I wanted to see the world, just like any other boy, I guess. So in 1890, when I was 11, I ran away from home and shipped out of Liverpool on a windjammer bound for the Orient. I saw the sun come up over Hong Kong, China, on my 12th birthday. Later I joined the royal British navy -- "His Majesty's" navy it was. I was on the Royal Sovereign when it blew up off the Isle of Malta and killed 24 men. Later I was a heavy |
| -2- gunner expert on the Cornwall. I tested long rifles with extra heavy charges and eventually burst both ear-drums. They invalided me out of the service in 1902. From then on until 1913 I worked on various ships of the White Star line, serving alternately as able seaman, lookout and quartermaster. In 1904 I signed articles on the liner Oceanic, which during the World war was torpedoed by a German U-boat off the Shetland Islands. I was on the Oceanic when I first heard about the Titanic. It was being built in the shipyards at Belfast, Ireland, I heard, at a cost of $7,500,000. The Titanic was some ship! The kind of craft that'd fill any seafarin' man's heart with pride. She was a three- screw vessel of some 52,000 tons, 825 feet long, with a beam of 92½ feet, seven principal steel decks and engines turning 50,000 horsepower to drive her at a top speed of 21 knots. The keel of the big craft was laid March 31, 1909, and she was inspected and passed by the British board of trade March 31, 1912. She was christened at Belfast and brought to Southampton for launching. I got permission to quit the Oceanic and sign on the Titanic. I boarded her on the morning of Thursday, April 10, 1912, just a couple of hours before sailing time. I'll never forget the scene when we pulled away at Southampton! The Titanic was the biggest ship on the sea and thousands came from all around to see her off. Our beam was so broad we nearly pulled the pier down as we steamed out into the harbor, stern first. |
| -3- Under command of Capt. E. J. Smith, an experienced and careful officer, the voyage was begun shortly before noon. We proceeded to Cherbourg, France, where passengers and mail were taken aboard. Then we continued to Queens- town, Ireland, leaving there about 1:30 p.m. Friday. We made steady progress until Sunday night at 11:40, ship's time. We had a good crowd of passengers, about as quiet a bunch as I'd ever seen. I'd heard there were 11 millionaires aboard; anyway, that's what the purser said, and I figured he ought to know. I'd heard, too, that Maj. Archibald Butt, aide-de-camp to William Howard Taft, then president of the United States, also was a passenger. We were carrying a crew of 960 and 1,263 passengers, all told. We had 14 wooden lifeboats, each carrying 65 persons, two wooden cutters, carrying 40 each, four collapsible life rafts holding 47 each,and 3,560 life belts in cabins and berths. But we weren't thinking about these things. We Figured we were on an unsinkable ship. At any rate, that's all the world had been hearing for the last three months. "The great Titanic -- Strongest of the Gods -- Strongest of all Ships -- invincible." I was asleep in my bunk in the foredeck quarters when she struck. The newspapers later said there had been an "almost imperceptible shock." I'm here to tell you that the impact threw us all out of our bunks. I jumped into a pair of pants and ran up the companionway pulling on a sweater. I didn't stop to pick up any belongings. On deck there was a strange quiet. I realized the engines had stopped. I heard the |
| -4- |
| -5- We immediately opened six compartments and in these the water rose steadily, driving the stokers into their tunnel and back into the boiler room. Captain Smith mounted the bridge. The seriousness of the situation was soon realized, but only by the officers and crew. The passengers were the calmest lot I ever saw. They scoffed when we tried to tell them things looked bad. Some of them actually returned to their cabins. In the third class compartments below there was an unearthly quiet. At 12:15 a.m. orders were given to uncover the life- boats and 15 minutes later orders were given to swing out the davits. In the meantime the position of the ship had been worked out and given to the wireless operator with orders to broadcast the international signal of distress. I heard an officer say we were about 1,100 miles out of New York, just off the tip of Newfoundland. It was awfully cold. At 12:30 came orders: "All passengers on deck with life belts on." A dozen of us were given clubs and sent into the steerage to get the third class passengers out. First we tried to talk to them, but they wouldn't come out. Then, reluctantly, we used the clubs. But even then some of them turned around and ran back refusing to come upon deck. They died, poor fools, like so many flies! On deck women and children were separated from men, but chance distribution enabled some of the men to be saved, simply by their being in proximity to boats whose capacity had been reached. We had to use clubs on deck, too. The passengers simply refused to get into the |
| -6- lifeboats. Some we threw in bodily, but they clambered out again. So thoroughly had they been "sold" on the idea that the Titanic was non-sinkable! We started to lower the boats. Some of them were only partly filled. The ship was settling rapidly, the bow nosing down first. At the very beginning of the voyage the crew had been "told off," that is, every man had been assigned to a station in case of emergency. I had been assigned command of lifeboat No. 16. That assignment saved my life! From 12:45 to 2:05, 16 lifeboats and four collapsible rafts were launched safely. The main promenade deck was awash when my boat, the last, left the davits. As we were being lowered I heard Captain Smith shout to me: "Pull away as fast as you can!" I never heard his voice again. He went down with his ship, brave man that he was! We had pulled away about 100 feet when the Titanic went down. She seemed to go down by stem, fore-end first, gradually taking in water. When she was about half submerged, she broke in halves and the after part came down into the water with an impact that could be heard a great distance. It hovered there a moment and then sank like a plummet. It was the last of the "greyhound of the seas." I remember that the lights in the cabins burned until the dynamo room was submerged. You could see them burning under the water. Just before the ship cracked in two I could hear the band playing "Nearer No God to Thee". And the yelling I heard I never want to hear again. |
| -7- Captain Smith and all the engineering staff perished at their posts, but a few officers who clung to flotsam were subsequently picked up. There were 43 in my boat, among them Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff-Gordon. When I saw the Titanic settling, I became fearful lest we be pulled under by the suction of her sinking and handed Sir Cosmo an oar. "If you want to be saved," I yelled at him,"you'll have to row!" Sir Cosmo said never a work but seized an oar and dug in. I'll wager it was the first bit of toil he'd done in his life! Lady Duff-Gordon, half naked, lay on the bottom of the boat. All the passengers were seasick. There was moaning and groaning and a chattering of teeth. I tore off my sweater and gave it to one old woman who cried all the time. That left me with only my breeches. When the Titanic struck I'd seen a light about five miles off just after I came on deck. We'd sent up 20 big rockets, but the ship, which later turned out to be the British steamship California, a freighter, never heeded the signals. So we drifted about for hours. We knew that the Carpathia, a cunarder was on her way to the scene. She'd picked up our S. O. S. 56 miles away,and was doing 18 knots speeding to our rescue. My passengers went mad with joy when the Carpathia finally arrived. By 10 o'clock Monday morning all the Titanic's lifeboats had been accounted for. The Carpathia returned to the scene of the disaster but although we cruised around the iceberg for two hours we found no bodies, and saw not even a floating spar. But |
| -8- there was a cleft as big as a house on one side of the berg that told the story. Black paint from the Titanic's bow still clinging to the edges. We steamed away, finally, and headed for New York. On board the Carpathia, which had been bound for Genoa with freight and passengers, our sailors had to sleep in cattle pens. The food we got was terrible. But our passengers got splendid treatment. The day after our rescue Sir Cosmo gave me a check on the bank of England drawn in the sum of five pounds -- $25. "Here,my man, is a little present for saving my life -- mine and Lady Duff-Gordon's", he said. I accepted it gratefully. I'dlost everything I owned and five pounds looked like King Edward's annuity to me them. But I was to get a keener jolt later on. In New York the Salvation Army took us in and gave us clothing. I read the papers. They exagerrated every- thing about the disaster. Some of the stories were almost funny. Twenty-two member of the Titanic's crew, I among them, were sommoned to Washington to testify before the senate's board of inquiry. We were there two days and got no pay. Then the White Star line, only because it was legally obliged to do so, took the lot of us back to Liverpool on the liner Baltic. In London I had to testify for 21 days at the formal hearing. They had the skipper and first mate of the California there, and I confronted them with my story of having seen their lights just after the Titanic struck, and of having fired 20 rockets to attract their attention. |
| -9- The captain of the California confessed he'd seen the rocket flares, but said he thought we had been "shooting off fireworks for entertainment and display." That statement cost him his master's papers. The mate, too, was dismissed from service. After the hearing the surviving members of the Titanic's crew were paid off. First we were offered 2 pounds, 3 shillings and fourpence, but the unions squawked and the line finally settled with us for 3 pounds, 3 shillings and fourpence -- $15.83 in American money. That's all we got for our work and our so-called "heroism." In the summer of 1912 I made a couple of trips on the White Star liner Olympic, but the memory of the Titanic and our treatment at the hands of the shipping interests soured me of the sea, and I came to Gary in 1913 and went to work in the powder plant at Aetna. I've been here ever Funny thing about those millionaires on the Titanic -- not a single one of them got away. A week after the disaster, the White Star line chartered the steamer Mackey Bennett and returned to the scene in search of bodies. They picked up 600 deads, and among them was the body of the millionaire, Astor, That's my story of the great Titanic disaster, an experience I never hope to have equalled in my remaining days. Thank you. ANNOUNCER Thank you Mr. Horswell. That was Mr. Albert E. Horswell, ladies and gentlemen, telling you of the great Titanic disaster of April 1912 and of his escape from death. This is.....................saying goodnight from WGN, etc. |
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