London Hears Boston Author Is on Board Carpathia.
London, April 17.-The list of survivors of the Titanic disaster as given out by the White Star line offices, contains the names of both Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Futrelle, Boston. Previous lists published contained the name of Mrs. Futrelle only.
Another new name appearing on the list of second class passengers is that of Miss. Finney. The name of Charles M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk railway, does not appear on the line's list.
London, April 17.-The list of survivors of the Titanic disaster as given out by the White Star line offices, contains the names of both Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Futrelle, Boston. Previous lists published contained the name of Mrs. Futrelle only.
Another new name appearing on the list of second class passengers is that of Miss. Finney. The name of Charles M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk railway, does not appear on the line's list.
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