Encyclopedia Titanica

The Titanic Disaster

East Ham Residents Missing

Barking Chronicle

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We learn that Mr and Mrs R.J. Rogers, of 11 Southchurch Gardens, East Ham, have a son and a nephew amongst the crew of the Titanic, the deplorable sinking of which has created such widespread consternation and grief amongst so many families.

The son, Edward James William Rogers, aged 32, was one of eight storekeepers, prior to which he was on the Oceanic. Strange to say, six years ago, he gave up the seafaring life, but was induced to join the Olympic, and subsequently he was transferred to the Titanic. He is a married man, and has three children.

Previously he lived at Liverpool, but since the White Star Line transferred their offices to Southampton he resided there.

The nephew, Edward Bagley, aged 31, lived 11 Southchurch Gardens. He was engaged on the Titanic as a bedroom steward. He too had been engaged on the Oceanic, before which he was on the Gothic, when it took fire at Plymouth. Mrs Rogers, mother of the first named, has proceeded to Southampton to await news of her son and nephew.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) The Titanic Disaster (Barking Chronicle, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #3, published 28 August 2003, generated 4th December 2024 10:26:53 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/rogers-east-ham.html