Knighthood honors have fallen upon the shoulders of the Captain of the Cunarder Mauretania. No longer will he be listed as Captain Arthur Rostron for now he is "Commander, Sir Arthur Rostron." He will be addressed as Sir Arthur in place [of] "Captain Rostron." News of his knighting reached here yesterday. The Mauretania will arrive next Friday.
The high honor was conferred upon Rostron by King George in recognition of his splendid service for his country.
Captain Rostron was in command of the Cunarder Carpathia when the White Star liner Titanic crashed into an iceberg, and sank with nearly 1,000 of her passengers and crew. Nearest to the scene, Captain Rostron rescued the survivors of the sea tragedy and brought them to New York.
[Rostron is throughout the article referred to as Rostrom]
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