Lace Importer Thrown Into Lifeboat By Ismay
PARIS, Oct. 12 (AP). - Samuel L. Goldenberg, of New York, who survived the sinking of the liner Titanic, died here yesterday. He was seventy-three years old and had been a resident of France for many years.
Not Listed As Survivor
Mr. Goldenberg, a director of Goldenberg Brothers, lace importers of 1400 Broadway, was not listed among the survivors of the White Star liner Titanic which struck an iceberg on the night of April 14 and 15, 1912, with a loss of 1.517 lives, including Colonel John Jacob Astor, Major Archie Butt, Francis Millet and Mr. and Mrs. Straus. Only when the Carpathia brought in the rescued was it learned that Mr. Goldenberg had survived. His carry-all, or canvas bag, was the only piece of luggage saved.
Mr. Goldenberg, according to his wife, Mrs. Edwiga Grabowsko-Goldenberg, who died November 30, 1935, in Paris, and who was also on the Titanic (sic), was saved by being thrown into a lifeboat by J. Bruce Ismay, then head of the International Mercantile Marine Company. Mr. Goldenberg, she said, had bid her farewell on deck and had chosen to stay behind when Mr. Ismay and one of the crew seized him and threw him over the side as an empty lifeboat was lowered.He managed to catch the boat ropes and was pulled into it.
The reason Mr. Goldenberg was listed among the missing was that he gave their names to the wireless operator of the Carpathia not as Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldenberg but Samuel Goldenberg and Nella Goldenberg. The names were transmitted as Mrs Samuel Goldenberg and Ella Goldenberg.
Mr. Goldenberg had a villa at Nice. He was a dog fancier and was president of the Canine d'Savoie.
[This article was published at the time of Sam Goldenberg's death, in October 1936. The paper is unidentified, it could be The Herald Tribune, a paper published in Paris in English, for the English speaking community in France.]
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