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New York Times

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Friends Confidently Expect the Ceremony to Take Place Within a Few Days
Miss Force, the Bride-elect, Apparently Doing Her Final Shopping---Ceremony Probably in Connecticut

There was an impression last night among the friends of Col.John Jacob Astor that his marriage to Miss Madeleine T. Force would notbe delayed more than a few days. The Astor yacht Noma was hurriedlycoaled and provisioned, and there arrived at the Force home sundry bigboxes containing purchases made by Miss Force during the day. Col.Astor himself declined to say even that the marriage would not takeplace to-day.
It was reported yesterday that a clergyman had been found who waswilling to perform the ceremony, and that it would probably take placein Connecticut, but no record of the issue of a license for the weddingcould be traced in that State.

Col. Astor was in and out of theForce home during the day and evening. Shortly after 8 o'clock lastnight he called and took his fiancée out in a taxicab. They were gonefor two hours. On their return Col. Astor stayed about twenty minutes.When he came out he was asked what arrangements had been made for thewedding.
"As yet," he replied, "we have made no definite arrangements in regardto our marriage. In fact, matters stand just as they did yesterday."

Col. Astor went to his town house at 840 Fifth Avenue, where it was said he would spend the night.
The Noma, lying off Eightieth Street, had been coaling during the dayand was taking on provisions until late last night. The Captain andboth mates went ashore indicating that the yacht would not sail lastnight. It was learned, however, that the intention was that she shouldleave this morning. Her prospective destination is kept secret.
Indications that something more than usual was astir were in evidenceabout the Force home yesterday morning, when Col. Astor called twohours ahead of his usual time. Soon after he left Miss Force made around of the Fifth Avenue shops, the result of which was apparent lastevening when two big hat boxes and five other boxes arrived at herresidence from a store where millinery and other things feminine aredispensed.

Before Miss Force had finished her shopping tour Col.Astor was back at her house. He got there about 1 o'clock and foundnobody at hime. [sic] After he had waited an hour and a half Mrs. Forcecame in with her dog. Twenty minutes later Miss Katherine Force enteredthe house, and after twenty minutes more Miss Madeleine got back fromher shopping expedition.

After his long wait Col. Astor greeted,his fiancée enthusiastically. He called a taxicab and started oft withthe two young women. Miss Katherine Force was dropped at the GrandCentral Subway station and Col. Astor and Miss Madeleine Force went onto the St. Regis, where they had tea. Col. Astor saw Miss Force at herhome again in the evening.

William H. Force, father of thebride-to-be, had an encounter with a photographer when he went out forhis morning walk yesterday. He started off with the photographerfollowing him, on the alert for a good opening. Mr. Force noticed thephotographer's manoeuvres, turned around, and made a gesture indicatingthat he would not be photographed. The young man continued to advanceon him, but stopped when Mr. Force raised his cane and rushed at him.The photographer fled, with Mr. Force pursuing, shaking his cane anddeclaring loudly that he would have him arrested.

Thephotographer had no trouble in keeping ahead of the irate Mr. Force.Suddenly he turned, halted an instant, got a good snapshot of his man,raised cane and all, and was off.

Mr. Force, disgusted, walked back home. No arrests.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) SAY ASTOR WEDDING IS NEAR AT HAND (New York Times, Friday 8th September 1911, ref: #4366, published 29 January 2005, generated 26th November 2024 04:29:00 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/say-astor-wedding-is-near-at-hand.html