Encyclopedia Titanica

Screen: Sinking of the Titanic

A Night to Remember Opens at Criterion

New York Times

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by Bosley Crowther

EVEN though the tragic story of the sinking of the Titanic is an old and oft-repeated one, it still makes for tense, exciting and supremely awesome drama on the screen. In the British-made film, "A Night to Remember," which opened at the Criterion last night, it is given as fine and convincing an enactment as anyone could wish---or expect.

Based an material assembled in a recent book of the same name by Walter Lord, with certain additions, subtractions and reinforcements of some dramatic points, it puts the story of the great disaster in simple human terms and yet brings it all into a drama of monumental unity and scope.

Beginning with crisp descriptions of the launching of the great ship and of her festive departure from Southampton on her maiden voyage to America in April, 1912, the picture impressively introduces the predominant member of its cast---the magnificent and majestic vessel, which was considered unsinkable. And then it effectively pinpoints individuals among its passengers and crew who will be conspicuous and significant in the drama.

Before the great ship hits the iceberg that is to send it and the majority of the voyagers to their doom, the screen playwright, Eric Ambler, and the director, Roy Baker, introduce the most immediate and obvious villain in the drama. It is the ship Californian and her incredibly obtuse captain. This vessel, lying within sight of the Titanic when she hits and founders, is not taken to the stricken liner's aid. The grave stupidity of the Californian's captain is made to appear the most agonizing blunder in the whole résumé of mistakes, which has been portrayed in previous films and on television.

For the rest, this remarkable picture is a brilliant and moving account of the behavior of the people on the Titanic on that night that should never be forgotten. It is an account of the casualness and flippancy of most of the people right after the great ship has struck (even though an ominous cascade of water is pouring into her bowels); of the slow accumulation of panic that finally mounts to a human holocaust, of shockingly ugly bits of baseness and of wonderfully brave and noble deeds.

The outstanding performer (only because he is given most to do) is Kenneth More, who plays Officer Lightoller with brisk assurance and stirring vitality. His evidences of competence, compassion and unfailing bravery are in the best tradition of British seamanship.

Laurence Naismith as the Titanic's captain, Frank Lawton as the chairman of the White Star Line who shows the white feather in the crisis, John Merivale as a courageous young father who puts his wife and three small children into a boat and any number of others make memorable persons in small roles. The natural suspense built into each one magnetizes them. They catch and hold your interest unremittingly.

"A Night to Remember" conveys this intensely and unforgettably.

The Cast
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER, screen play by Eric Ambler, from the book of the same name by Walter Lord; directed by Roy Baker; produced by William MacQuitty for the J. Arthur Rank Organization. At the Criterion Theatre, Seventh Avenue and Forty-fourth Street. Running time: 122 minutes.

Lightoller................Kenneth More
Mr. Clarke............... Ronald Allen
Peuchen...................Robert Ayres
Mrs. Lucas..............Honor Blackman
Captain Rostron........Anthony Bushell
Murphy ...................John Cairney
Colonel Gracie........James Dyrenforth
Chairman..................Frank Lawton
Murdoch..................Richard Leech
Lucas....................John Merivale
Captain Smith........Laurence Naismith
Sir Richard.........Patrick Waddington
Guggenheim............Harold Goldblatt
Mrs. Straus..............Helen Misener
Mr. Straus.............Meier Tzelniker


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Screen: Sinking of the Titanic (New York Times, Wednesday 17th December 1958, ref: #3747, published 14 September 2004, generated 9th December 2024 06:39:00 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/screen-sinking-titanic.html