Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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LIVERPOOL, May 22---The projected move of the White Star Line to
Southampton is responsible for a dispute between seamen and firemen and
the company which threatens to spread. A hundred men belonging to the
Oceanic refused to sail to-day unless their railroad fares from
Southampton to Liverpool were guaranteed to them, as the Oceanic on her
return trip is to end her voyage at Southampton. The company declined
the men's demand, but informed them that if, after two voyages, they did
not wish to remain in the Southampton trade, they would be sent back to
Liverpool free of expense. The men refused the offer and struck for
$2.50 a month increase in wages.

The officials of the company, who say the Liverpool mailboat wages are
already the highest in the United Kingdom, refused to grant the
increase, and later obtained all the men necessary to fill the places of
the strikers, who are nearly all members of the Sailors' and Firemen's

The officials of the general union say that they do not desire a general
strike, but that they are in a strong financial position and are ready
for action if they are forced to begin a fight with the company.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2007) SEAMEN'S STRIKE ABROAD (New York Times, Thursday 23rd May 1907, ref: #5629, published 5 September 2007, generated 3rd December 2024 01:51:44 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/seamens-strike-abroad.html