Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., Ltd. Successors to Messrs. Shaw, Savill and
Co. and the Albion Co. Established 50 years ago. This company maintain a
regular service of passenger and cargo steamers between London and New
Zealand, and occasionally despatch sailing vessels from London and
Glasgow to that Colony. A fortnightly service from the United Kingdom to
New Zealand is now maintained; the steamers being equipped with every
modem appliance; being fitted with patent refrigerators for the
conveyance of frozen meat, as well as butter, cheese, fruit, etc., from
New Zealand, and also to ensure fresh food for passengers. The route
taken by these steamers affords a most varied trip, the outward voyage
being via Teneriffe, Cape Colony, Hobart, Tasmania; the homeward, via
Cape Horn, calling at Rio de Janeiro and Teneriffe. The White Star Line
have associated with this line their Delphic and Gothic, and the
recently built Athenic, Corinthic, and Ionic.
Aotea. Ionic. Matatua.
Athenic. Karamea. Pakeha.
Corinthic. Kumara. Rangatira.
Delphic. Manari. Tokonmaru.
Gothic. Maori. Waiwera.
Gross tonnage, 112,000.
Co. and the Albion Co. Established 50 years ago. This company maintain a
regular service of passenger and cargo steamers between London and New
Zealand, and occasionally despatch sailing vessels from London and
Glasgow to that Colony. A fortnightly service from the United Kingdom to
New Zealand is now maintained; the steamers being equipped with every
modem appliance; being fitted with patent refrigerators for the
conveyance of frozen meat, as well as butter, cheese, fruit, etc., from
New Zealand, and also to ensure fresh food for passengers. The route
taken by these steamers affords a most varied trip, the outward voyage
being via Teneriffe, Cape Colony, Hobart, Tasmania; the homeward, via
Cape Horn, calling at Rio de Janeiro and Teneriffe. The White Star Line
have associated with this line their Delphic and Gothic, and the
recently built Athenic, Corinthic, and Ionic.
Aotea. Ionic. Matatua.
Athenic. Karamea. Pakeha.
Corinthic. Kumara. Rangatira.
Delphic. Manari. Tokonmaru.
Gothic. Maori. Waiwera.
Gross tonnage, 112,000.
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