Encyclopedia Titanica


Newark Star

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Survivor Tells of Being Shot at by Officers While Entering Lifeboat
WILKES BARRE, [sic] Pa., April 22---The story of having been shot at by officers on the Titanic when he sought to enter a lifeboat when the great liner was going down, was told here today by John Borak, one of three survivors who came to this city.

Borak showed a coat with six bullet holes through it, which he had worn on the night when the White Star liner went down. He managed to get into the last lifeboat which put off from the sinking ship and was picked up by the Carpathia.

Mrs. Alexander Thomas, another survivor, told a thrilling story. She became separated from her 6-months-old child in the confusion and refused to get into a boat. Finally an officer told her that another woman had saved the baby. Mrs. Thomas finally found her child among the survivors on the Carpathia.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) SIX BULLET HOLES TITANIC MEMENTOES (Newark Star, Tuesday 23rd April 1912, ref: #3123, published 30 June 2004, generated 2nd December 2024 09:03:37 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/six-bullet-holes-titanic-mementoes.html