Mrs. Harder, the bride, is a niece of William N. Dykman, the Brooklyn lawyer. Since news of the accident Mr. Dykman has been haunting the offices of the steamship company, trying to get some sort of authentic news of his niece and her husband.
At the Harder familys handsome residence Mrs. Sylvester James McNamara, Georges sister told a Times reporter shortly after an hour before Mr. Dykman had sent word to the house that George and his wife had been taken safely on board the Carpathia. She said not only had this message come from Mr. Dykman, but that several other friends had sent cheering messages to the same effect. The sister added:
Were quite sure they are all right and will get here on Thursday afternoon. My mother is prostrated, but she will get well when George and Dorothy get here, the doctor says. Mrs. McNamara does not live at her fathers house. She went there to-day to taek [sic] charge during her mothers illness.
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