Encyclopedia Titanica


Daily East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon, USA

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ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22---With eight hundred delegates representing all sections
of the United States and all interested in the extension of American trade
to foreign countries, particularly South America and the West Indies in
attendance, the St. Louis Foreign Trade Convention designed to boom South
American trade was called to order here today.
Recognition of the European war at a barrier to commercial intercourse was
made when the delegates confined their attention almost wholly to the
countries beyond the Gulf of Mexico. Middle-western commercial houses and
organizations which recently held a convention in Memphis to discuss means
of utilizing the Mississippi as an artery of commerce to the southern
nations were represented.
The convention is being held under the auspices of the National Foreign
Trade Council of which James A. Farrell, president of the United States
Steel Corporation, is president. The plan and scope committee of the
convention includes Sam D. Capen of St. Louis; E. A. S. Clarke, president of
the Lackawanna Steel Company of New York; P. A. S. Franklin, president of
the International Mercantile Marine, New York; Fairfax Harrison, president
Southern Railroad, Washington, D C, and John D. Ryan, president Algamated
[sic] Copper company,New York. The convention will be in session two days.

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P. A. S, Franklin


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2014) SOUTH AMERICAN TRADE BOOMERS AT ST. LOUIS (Daily East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon, USA, Wednesday 23rd December 1914, ref: #20127, published 26 December 2014, generated 3rd October 2024 02:10:46 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/south-american-trade-boomers-at-st-louis-20127.html