Author’s Preface
The Central Theme of Admiral Death is man’s conduct in the face of peril on the sea. The episodes are factual. Some are familiar and some are, I believe, told for the first time in detail. Each is an actual chapter in the long history of men and ships; nothing is fictitious, nothing is imaginary.
The stories are based in every case on the accounts of survivors or eyewitnesses or on contemporary documents. In preparing the book, I have consulted, to the best of my knowledge, all essential sources, and have checked and rechecked wherever possible.
In cases where reports are conflicting I have usually favored the primary sources. Readers who are interested in disputed details may consult the notes in the appendix.
I am much indebted, in the writing of this book, to the assistance and criticism of my wife, Helen Bruce Baldwin; my sister, Dorothy Sheffey Baldwin; Mrs. Constance Lathrop, of the Navy Department Library; and members of the staff of the New York Public Library. I am also grateful to the late Sir Henry Newbolt for permission to quote from his poem, Admiral Death, and to use its title.
Hanson W. Baldwin
New York, December 1, 1938.