Dans les profondeurs du Titanic: Les trésors du paquebot de légende par l’homme qui l’a exploré


“From the depths of the Titanic: Treasures of the legendary liner from the man who explored it”

September 1, 1985. The Titanic, missing since April 15, 1912, is found in the North Atlantic where it lies at a depth of 3,821 meters.

As requested by the French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer), Paul-Henri Nargeolet, commander in the French Navy, will direct underwater research as part of the expeditions to the wreck, from 1987 until his death in 2023.

The hundreds of hours of diving will reveal the last secrets of the liner.

More than 5,500 objects will be brought to the surface: pieces of hull, jewellery, bottles of champagne, fabrics, luggage – so many witnesses who tell the story of the ship’s heyday and its tragic destiny.

Through the fabulous story of his expeditions, Paul-Henri Nargeolet brings to life the story of the Titanic, that of its passengers and its crew, offering a unique point of view on this maritime disaster which fueled all fantasies.



“An epic, technical and moving story. — Read – The Literary Magazine

“An incredible story that we must discover as quickly as possible thanks to Paul-Henri Nargeolet. — La Presse de la Manche

“The fascinating story of Paul-Henri Nargeolet’s expeditions. — Clémence Ballandras, Le Télégramme

“A fascinating story. — Gala

“Today, after having crossed more than 20,000 leagues under and on the seas, and writing a book of memories, In the depths of the Titanic, at 75 years old, he has not finished with the most famous wreck. — Francis Gouge, Le Monde Science and Medicine

“His story, which devours itself, takes us into the abyss. With him, we relive his dives, and we imagine this wreck, drowned in total darkness, covered in coral, eaten away by underwater bacteria, in the middle of a debris field several kilometres long. — Pauline Conradsson, Le Parisien Today

“Diving with an enthusiast who keeps his feet on the ground. — Jean-Marie Cunin, West France

“When you open this book, you discover with as much emotion as you, the moment when you discovered the Titanic for the first time. Everything is blank around. Nothing was touched. Nothing was damaged. No one has yet unlocked the secrets of this boat which is therefore at a depth of 3,800 meters. An enthusiast’s book. — Elodie Suigo, France Info

“Your book is fascinating! — Laurent Ruquier, Les Grosses Têtes, RTL

“Absolutely mind-blowing and incredible stories! — Laurent Ruquier, We are live, France 2

“An extraordinary book. — Pierre Lescure, C to you, France 5

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192 pages

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Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind

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Dans les profondeurs du Titanic: Les trésors du paquebot de légende par l’homme qui l’a exploré
"From the depths of the Titanic: Treasures of the legendary liner from the man who explored it"

September 1, 1985. The Titanic, missing since April 15, 1912, is found in the North Atlantic where it lies at a depth of 3,821 meters.

As requested by the French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer), Paul-Henri Nargeolet, commander in the French Navy, will direct underwater research as part of the expeditions to the wreck, from 1987 until his death in 2023.

The hundreds of hours of diving will reveal the last secrets of the liner.

More than 5,500 objects will be brought to the surface: pieces of hull, jewellery, bottles of champagne, fabrics, luggage – so many witnesses who tell the story of the ship's heyday and its tragic destiny.

Through the fabulous story of his expeditions, Paul-Henri Nargeolet brings to life the story of the <em>Titanic</em>, that of its passengers and its crew, offering a unique point of view on this maritime disaster which fueled all fantasies.

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