On April 10, 1912, a couple named Marshall and their children watched the majestic departure of the Titanic from the roof of their house. Suddenly, Mrs. Marshall shakes her husband’s hand and exclaims: “This ship will sink before it reaches America.” She begins to scream as she sees hundreds of people struggling in the water frozen. During the night of April 14 to 15, at the same time as the sinking, a New York woman woke up her husband to tell him that she had just seen her mother in a lifeboat in a dream. Two days later, she discovered her mother’s name in the list of survivors. The latter had embarked on the Titanic without warning her, in order to surprise her with her visit… Prophesied by renowned writers, the end of the Titanic was “seen” live by dozens of people through dreams and visions. Discover in Paranormal Stories of the Titanic the astonishing testimonies surrounding the incredible sinking of a ship known to be unsinkable.
About the Author
Bertrand Méheust. Professeur de philosophie, docteur en sociologie et éminent historien de la parapsychologie, il est également membre du comité directeur de l’Institut métapsychique international (IMI) à Paris.
Bertrand Méheust. Professor of philosophy, doctor of sociology and eminent historian of parapsychology, he is also a member of the steering committee of the International Metapsychic Institute (IMI) in Paris.