I have not attempted in this book to cover the whole of my Father’s life. Many events are put in the background and some are omitted altogether.
I have endeavoured to show the “beginnings” of some of his activities, and leave it to a fuller Life to give in detail the work which grew out of these ” beginnings.”
I have dwelt more especially on his interest in Spiritualism, and have sought to show, by quotations from his own writings, that Spiritualism was indeed spiritual to him. And that it was his belief in a Higher Power that made him undertake many things, which he knew, without that Power, would have been impossible.
I have quoted largely from Reminiscences written by him in 1893, which cover his early life up to the time of his leaving the Northern Echo.
I am indebted to The Christian Endeavour World, America, for permission to publish my Father’s own account of what he considered two of the most impressive scenes of his life.
I regret that I have found it impossible to do more than touch on my Father’s wonderful friendships, which extended from the highest to the lowest, and ranged over all nationalities, creeds and politics.