RMS Olympic: Titanic’s Sister


Launched as the pride of British shipbuilding and the largest vessel in the world, Olympic was more than 40 per cent larger than her nearest rivals: almost 900ft long and the first ship to exceed 40,000 tons. She was built for comfort rather than speed and equipped with an array of facilities, including Turkish and electric baths (one of the first ships to have them), a swimming pool, gymnasium, squash court, á la carte restaurant, large first-class staterooms and plush public rooms.

Surviving from 1911 until 1935, she was a firm favourite with the travelling public – carrying hundreds of thousands of fare-paying passengers – and retained a style and opulence even into her twilight years.

During the First World War, she carried more troops than any other comparable steamship and was the only passenger liner ever to sink an enemy submarine by ramming it.

Overshadowed frequently by her sister ships Titanic and Britannic, Olympic’s history deserves more attention than it has received.

She was evolutionary in design rather than revolutionary but marked an ambition for the White Star Line to dominate the North Atlantic express route. Rivals immediately began trying to match her in size and luxury. The optimism that led to her conception was rewarded, whereas her doomed sisters never fulfilled their creators’ dreams. This revised and expanded edition of the critically acclaimed RMS Olympic: Titanic’s Sister uses new images and further original research to tell the story of this remarkable ship 80 years after her career ended.


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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes


As promised, if anyone's still interested, I'm posting an update on the progress of my second major book project, RMS Olympic, Titanic's Sister. It's now available for pre-order on the amazon.co.uk website (while the first book has become available on the American amazon site, although it comes out much earlier here in the UK), and according to amazon will be published around October 2004 -- that is, significantly earlier than I had expected.

I remain extremely grateful to everyone whose kindness made the book possible. Many people have generously shared their research and I am indebted to them. Since beginning work in September 2001, the second book has taken up much of my energy and I hope that it will shed some light on Olympic's wonderful history, while providing new information. I get the impression that expectations are high and truly hope that they are met.

The link is:

(I thought it best to start a seperate thread now, since I didn't want to take the 'young writers' thread too off topic.)

Best wishes and kindest regards,


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Michael H. Standart

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59,098 messages 1,833 likes

I've already pre-ordered the new title. I just hope my re-activation of the 1-click shopping feature worked.

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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

Hi Mike!

Thanks for ordering the book! You might have doubled my pre-orders!

View image at the forums

As an aside, I was pleased to see the title appear on the Amazon page.

Best regards,


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Michael H. Standart

Senior Member

59,098 messages 1,833 likes

I'm breathing a little easier this morning as I got my confirmation notice last night. I'd been wondering whether my 1-click settings would even work. With all the trouble I had with my computer last year, I wasn't confident that something hadn't been screwed up.

Think the publisher will go with that image of the Olympic in wartime camouflage for the cover?

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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

Hi Mike!

I certainly hope that they will settle for the cover shown on Amazon. It looks great and I find it hard to see how they could have done it better. As you'll know, authors have less influence with regard to book design than people often believe, but I am pleased that this particular illustration was selected -- since I suggested it would be nice to have a colourful, energetic Olympic on the cover.

Best regards,


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Jesse D O'Neill

Active Member

570 messages 6 likes

I saw this book too, though it's not available in the US, I will however order it

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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

Hi Jesse!

Thanks for ordering the book! From what I am led to believe, it will indeed be available in America. It's simply released a little later.

Best regards,


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Patty Miller

Active Member

151 messages 1 likes

Mark, I will be looking forward to ordering your book !! How I envy you being so young and yet
having written two books and having them published. You have accomplished so much, I
can only see your future getting better with
time. Good luck on all of your ventures.
Sincerely, Patty

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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

Hi Patty!

Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for ordering the book. I am sorry for my late reply. With regard to age, I think I was just lucky in finding a publisher -- everyone has a book in them.

I hope you enjoy the festive season!

Best wishes,


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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

As an aside, I realise that I have never actually said that the book is available! It was released on November 26th 2004, although half of the initial print run is exhausted.

Nonetheless, I will be selling some on ebay from time to time and if you'd like a copy don't hesitate to order through the 'normal channels' such as Amazon UK if you want to. Back orders are still needed to generate sufficient evidence of demand for a reprint!

Best regards,


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Michael H. Standart

Senior Member

59,098 messages 1,833 likes

Hi Mark, it's good to see you back here with us, even if only for a quick "Hello." I'm still waiting on the second book to arive and I'm looking forward to it.

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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

Hi Mike!

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for buying the book! In fact, the Olympic history is my favourite in many ways -- it also has twenty-eight colour illustrations which 'spice things up' a little bit! I am assuming it should be with you very soon indeed, especially if you ordered it from Amazon Uk earlier this year.

I understand that some extracts from this book are available in the latest issue of the THS journal, which is quite an honour, and there is also a wonderfully informative article on the recent Britannic expedition by Simon Mills.

Best wishes,


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Michael H. Standart

Senior Member

59,098 messages 1,833 likes

>>especially if you ordered it from Amazon Uk earlier this year.<<

I did...as soon as it was announced as available for ordering. I'll be keeping an eye on the mailbox.

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Avatar of Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside

Senior Member

2,448 messages 481 likes

Hi Mike!

I ordered a copy from Amazon UK about the same time, just to see how fast it would be. That arrived last week, so as you are in America I would assume it would be with you literally any day now.

Best wishes,


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Mark Baber

Senior Member

6,561 messages 645 likes

My copies were in my PO Box today. I last checked it on 23 December, so they arrived some time since then.

Looks great, Mark.

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