The Man Who Sank Titanic: The Troubled Life of Quartermaster Robert Hichens

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Setting the record straight about the Titanic helmsman who steered into an iceberg.

Robert Hichens has gone down in history as the man who was given the famous order “Hard-a-Starboard” in a desperate attempt to steer the Titanic away from an iceberg—but failed.

Following this, his falling out with the ‘Unsinkable Molly Brown’ over his actions in lifeboat 6 saw him branded a coward and his name indelibly tarnished.

Robert was one of the most important witnesses at both the US and British Inquiries, answering hundreds of gruelling questions.

His testimony became the ‘traditional’ story of the tragedy people know today. When he returned to England fellow crewmen considered him jinxed and his career was almost ruined.

Robert had a long career and was a hardworking, ambitious seaman. A fisherman at 19, he joined a training programme with the Royal Naval Reserves and moved through the ranks quickly to the respected position of quartermaster.

In the Second World War he was part of a cargo ship convoy on route to Africa where his ship dodged mines, U-boats and enemy aircraft to bring essential goods back to Britain. To Robert, being at sea was everything but the dark memories of the Titanic were never far away. In 1933 he was involved in a failed murder attempt after a bitter feud, which nearly cost him his own life too.

In The Man Who Sank Titanic Robert’s great-granddaughter, Sally Nilsson seeks to set the record straight and reveal the true character of the man her family knew. This is one man’s story of survival, betrayal and determination.


About the Author

Sally Nilsson spent most of her career working in publishing and exhibition management, and until recently, ran her own taxi company in Surrey. She was born in Southampton then moved to Reigate, where she has lived for the past thirty years. Sally lives with her Swedish husband Paul and boys Hugo and Henry.


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Avatar of Encyclopedia Titanica
Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind

6,999 messages 635 likes
Avatar of Sally@Hichens

Active Member

65 messages 15 likes

Hi everyone
I spent a week (in February) in a studio narrating my book, The Man Who Sank Titanic, the story of my great-grandfather Robert Hichens who I'm sure many of you will know was the helmsman when Titanic hit the iceberg.

I sent the book to Amazon's Audible and it was due to be released on 15th April, sinking day. Unfortunately the coronavirus had other ideas and it has been queued for these past months.

Finally on Saturday the audiobook has been published. Many people are enjoying audiobooks and I hope you might consider downloading mine.

Wishing all the best in these troubling times...


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Avatar of Rennette Marston
Rennette Marston

Rennette Marston

287 messages 79 likes

Thank you for sharing this with us, Sally. I am interested to know more about your great-grandfather. What other things do you know about him?

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Avatar of Sally@Hichens

Active Member

65 messages 15 likes

Hi Renette
Is there something specific you would like to know? The audiobook tells the whole life story of Robert.
Kind regards

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Avatar of Rennette Marston
Rennette Marston

Rennette Marston

287 messages 79 likes

Oh, anything. What did he do on the Titanic before the disaster? Did he serve on other ships before or after the Titanic as a lookout man?

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Avatar of Sally@Hichens

Active Member

65 messages 15 likes

Probably best thing to suggest is looking at 'Whatever Happened to Robert Hichens' by Phil Gowan for a potted history or simply download my audiobook for his full lifestory. Have a good week

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Avatar of Rennette Marston
Rennette Marston

Rennette Marston

287 messages 79 likes

Okay. Have a great time!

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