Titanic: 31 norske skjebner

A book about the 31 Norwegians who were on the Titanic’s first and last voyage. About those who found their grave in the wet and cold depths, about those who were saved and those who were left behind.


En bok om de 31 nordmennene som var med på Titanics første og siste tur. Om de som fant sin grav i det våte og kalde dypet, om de som ble reddet og de som ble etterlatt.

Det er skrevet mangt og meget om Titanic, det fantastiske skipet som etter sigende ikke kunne synke. Men etter det skjebnesvangre møtet med et isfjell natt til 14 april 1912, så var det altså nettopp det det kunne. Og gjorde.

Om nordmennene som var med på turen er det derimot ikke skrevet så mye. De var jo ikke så mange. Men mange nok. Forliset hadde en veldig innvirkning både på de pårørende og de overlevende – og i denne boka blir vi kjent med dem alle.

A book about the 31 Norwegians who were on the Titanic’s first and last voyage. About those who found their grave in the wet and cold depths, about those who were saved and those who were left behind.

Much has been written about the Titanic, the amazing ship that reportedly could not sink. But after the fateful encounter with an iceberg on the night of 14 April 1912, that was exactly what it could do. And did.

However, not much has been written about the Norwegians who were on the trip. There weren’t that many of them. But many enough. The shipwreck had a great impact on both the relatives and the survivors – and in this book we get to know them all.

Additional information


Publisher ‏

Genesis Forlag

Publication date ‏

Language ‏

Hardcover ‏

256 pages

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ISBN-13 ‏



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