The sinking of the legendary passenger ship TITANIC is mostly known to younger generations through the Hollywood film “Titanic” from 1997. The film, however, cannot fully depict the real human drama that took place on that fateful night in the luxurious salons, cabins and decks of the luxurious and supposedly unsinkable ocean giant. . His first voyage to New York was abruptly cut short on the night of April 14-15, 1912, after a collision with an iceberg. After 160 minutes of agony, the largest, most modern, most luxurious and most beautiful ship of all time disappeared under the surface of the North Atlantic. This book brings new generations of young people closer to the real historical event and the reasons for the spectacular sinking of a wonderful ship – which “not even God himself can sink”. The story of the real Titanic in its drama surpasses everything seen in the movies. The ship that only sailed the ocean for five days and has been lying on the dark bottom of the Atlantic for 112 years still stirs the imagination and magically attracts new generations. Get to know the true story of the short life of the Titanic. That ship was not unsinkable…but the legendary story about it certainly is. In fact, precisely because of its sinking, the Titanic became unsinkable, and the legend about it is made up of those events that really happened in reality.
This book describes exactly that, clearly and comprehensibly for younger people.
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