Titanic: Dal cantiere all’oceano


Tutta la storia mai raccontata che precede l’affondamento del Titanic è contenuta in questo libro. Avrete modo di riviverla realmente attraverso le pagine del diario di William Walsh, studente di ingegneria navale della Royal Belfast Academical Institution, che esplorerà i cantieri Harland & Wolff ed assisterà alla costruzione delle navi di classe Olympic, facendo la conoscenza dei principali protagonisti di questa vicenda, tra cui il progettista Thomas Andrews. Per un gioco del destino riuscirà ad imbarcarsi sul Titanic per il suo viaggio inaugurale visitando la nave ponte dopo ponte. La sera del 14 aprile 1912, smetterà di aggiornare il suo diario, insospettito da un’improvvisa vibrazione della nave. Dopo aver parlato con Andrews, scoprirà con orrore che il gioiello che ha visto costruire in due anni di duro e appassionato lavoro è destinato ad inabissarsi in poche ore.


Titanic: From the construction site to the ocean

The entire untold story preceding the sinking of the Titanic is contained in this book. You will have the opportunity to truly relive it through the pages of the diary of William Walsh, a naval engineering student at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution, who will explore the Harland & Wolff shipyards and assist in the construction of the Olympic class ships, getting to know the main protagonists of this story , including designer Thomas Andrews. By a twist of fate he will manage to board the Titanic for its maiden voyage, visiting the ship deck after deck. On the evening of April 14, 1912, he stopped updating his diary, becoming suspicious of a sudden vibration of the ship. After speaking with Andrews, he will discover to his horror that the jewel he has seen built in two years of hard and passionate work is destined to sink in a few hours.

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Publisher ‏

Luglio, Trieste

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Paperback ‏

208 pages

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Gaetano Anania


10 messages 0 likes

I registered myself from a few time and I did not talk about the book about Titanic I have written, yet. After 7 years of study and 2 to realize it, it is ready. But I think that I will need of some months to revise it in order to delete possibles historical mistakes. I want that it is perfect as is possible!!! Till now all peoples who have seen it, expressed good comments. The editors who have seen it also said it is a very great book. It is more than 340 pages. I have wanted not to speak only like ever of disaster, but overall to return to world what Titanic rapresented for the epoch and what his disaster caused for the world and for navigation. I concentrated my attention overall on the ship's construction inventing a story without precedent. I cannot say you more, neither the title. But I will make you informed about its development. I hope that you will can help me to solve some historical contradictions that I have met during all this years of study, cause the historical informations are often in contrast between theirselves. In november I will began my study of Naval Engineering in Genova. I'm already an A.St.I.N. members(Naval Engineering Students Association here in Italy)and if someone wants, could visit my personal forum HISTORICAL TRANSATLANTICS & MODERN SHIPS PORT(www.ingegnerianavale.com). I repeat like in another topic : Naval Engineering is my life's passion!!! A last question: is someone of you in contact with an editor who could be interested on my book?(sorry for all my possibles english mistakes). I'm already in contact with Jelle Hamphenius administrator of www.titanic.com. He sounds interest to my work.


Gaetano Anania
A.St.I.N. Member 5 STARS *****

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