Titanic-Historie, Myte, Litteratur og Film

The sinking of the Titanic is a historical event, but it is also mythical. Myth-making representations arose only days after the shipwreck became a fact and still live with us as the great story of our time about the capricious power of nature and the downfall of old Europe.


Titanics forlis er en historisk hendelse, men den er også mytisk. Mytedannende fremstillinger oppsto bare dager etter forliset var et faktum og lever fortsatt med oss som vår tids store fortelling om naturens lunefulle kraft og det gamle Europas undergang.

Forfatterne viser hvordan den mytiske kraften både ligger i selve hendelsen og i samtidens og ettertidens fortolkning. Om ødeleggelsen av Pompeii skal Goethe ha sagt: ”Det har skjedd mange ulykker i verden, men ikke mange som har gitt ettertiden så mye underholdning”. Titanic-forliset har gitt ettertiden uendelig mye underholdning, fra høylitterær poesi til populærkulturelle romaner og filmer.

Forfatterne ser nærmere på skipet, forliset og forlisets virkningshistorie med et norsk blikk og med vekt på de norske passasjerene som var om bord.

The sinking of the Titanic is a historical event, but it is also mythical. Myth-making representations arose only days after the shipwreck became a fact and still live with us as the great story of our time about the capricious power of nature and the downfall of old Europe.

The authors show how the mythical power lies both in the event itself and in contemporary and later interpretations. About the destruction of Pompeii, Goethe is said to have said: “There have been many accidents in the world, but not many that have given posterity so much entertainment”. The sinking of the Titanic has provided posterity with an endless amount of entertainment, from highly literary poetry to popular culture novels and films.

The authors take a closer look at the ship, the sinking and the impact history of the sinking with a Norwegian perspective and with an emphasis on the Norwegian passengers who were on board.

Additional information



Publisher ‏

Pax Forlag, Oslo

Publication date ‏

Language ‏

Hardcover ‏

369 pages

ISBN-10 ‏


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