Titanic – Hrvati U Katastrofi Stoljeća

Titanic – Croats in the Catastrophe of the Century

Tragedija koja je zadesila britanski putnički brod Titanic u noći 15. travnja 1912. jedna je od najobrađenijih nesreća u povijesti. Titanic je sve do danas sinonim propasti i tragedije, a glavne činjenice o brodu i nesreći naširoko su poznate. Manje je, međutim, poznato da je trideset hrvatskih iseljenika putovalo tim brodom te da je sedamdesetak hrvatskih mornara sa broda Carpathia aktivno sudjelovalo u spašavanju brodolomaca. Troje iseljenika iz Hrvatske je preživjelo.

Podatke o tim ljudima autor je prikupio tijekom sedmogodišnjega istraživačkog rada, a rezultat toga je knjiga koju upravo držite u rukama. U knjizi se, kroz gotovo romansiranu priču o događajima vezanim uz brod, po prvi put javnosti predstavljaju njihovi životopisi i sudbine. Na mjesto njihovih imena i prezimena, koja su do sad bila tek dio popisa i statistika, dolaze cjelovite priče o njihovim životima – njihove izjave, osjećaji te pokoja dostupna fotografija.

Upornost autora Slobodana Novkovića, njegov entuzijazam, optimizam i strast omogućili su stvaranje te cjelovite slike. Ova je knjiga, zahvaljujući njegovim nalazima, autentičan dokumentarni zapis. U njoj su po prvi put predstavljeni brojni vrijedni pronalasci – kopije dokumenata i pisama, jedinstvena razglednica iz Našica, u svjetskim okvirima rijedak primjerak spomen-medalje pronađene u Labinu te spasilački prsluk s Titanica koji je odnedavna izložen u Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja u Rijeci.


The tragedy that befell the British passenger ship Titanic on the night of April 15, 1912 is one of the most covered accidents in history. The Titanic is still synonymous with disaster and tragedy, and the main facts about the ship and the accident are widely known. It is less known, however, that thirty Croatian emigrants travelled on that ship and that seventy Croatian sailors from the ship Carpathia actively participated in rescuing shipwrecked people. Three emigrants from Croatia survived.

The author collected data about these people during seven years of research, and the result is the book you are holding in your hands. In the book, through an almost romanticized story about the events related to the ship, their biographies and destinies are presented to the public for the first time. In the place of their names and surnames, which until now were only part of the list and statistics, come complete stories about their lives – their statements, feelings and some available photos.

The persistence of the author Slobodan Novković, his enthusiasm, optimism and passion enabled the creation of this complete picture. Thanks to his findings, this book is an authentic documentary record. It presents a number of valuable finds for the first time – copies of documents and letters, a unique postcard from Našice, a rare example of a commemorative medal found in Labin, and a life jacket from the Titanic, which has recently been exhibited in the Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka. .

Additional information


Publisher ‏

Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb

Publication date ‏

Paperback ‏

378 pages

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ISBN-10 ‏



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