Titanicin tuntematon lapsi

The Unknown Child of the Titanic

Vuonna 1912 Titanicin tuhon jälkeen merestä löytyi pienen, tunnistamattoman pojan ruumis, joka kellui vedessä ilman pelastusliivejä kasvot kohti taivasta. Tuosta lapsesta tuli kaikkien Titanicin lapsiuhrien symboli. Lukemattomat vierailijat ovat laskeneet hänen haudalleen Kanadassa nalleja ja pohtineet: kuka hän on?

Nyt arvoitus on ratkennut – 90 vuoden jälkeen.

Tuntematon lapsi on tunnistettu suomalaiseksi, 13 kuukauden ikäiseksi Eino Panulaksi, ja Panulan perheen unohdettu, traaginen tarina on herännyt henkiin.

Kirja kertoo huikean tarinan siitä, keitä olivat lapsen vanhemmat Maria ja Juho Panula, miten he elivät ja mitä tapahtui Titanicilla – ja mitä tuhon jälkeen. Entä tuntematon lapsi? “On kuin hän olisi odottanut tunnistamistaan”, sukulaiset sanovat.



Released in the Fall of ’03, this Finnish language hardcover concentrates on the history of the Finnish Panula family — of Mr. Juho and Mrs. Maria Panula, their many children and the eventual recognition of the Unknown Child via DNA tests.

Some of the 224 pages also contain information on other Finns on board the Titanic.

Included are 35 photos related to the Panulas and to the ill-fated liner.  An interesting book. — Juha Peltonen, Finnish Titanic Historian

About the Book

In 1912, after the destruction of the Titanic, the body of a small, unidentified boy was found in the sea, floating in the water without a life jacket, facing the sky. That child became a symbol of all the child victims of the Titanic. Countless visitors have placed teddy bears on his grave in Canada and wondered: who is he?

Now the riddle has been solved – after 90 years.

The unknown child has been identified as Finnish, 13-month-old Eino Panula, and the forgotten, tragic story of the Panula family has come to life.

The book tells an amazing story about who the child’s parents, Maria and Juho Panula, were, how they lived and what happened on the Titanic – and what happened after the destruction. What about the unknown child? “It’s like he was waiting to be recognized,” relatives say.

Additional information


Publisher ‏

Ajatus Kirjat, Gummerus Kustannus Oy, Helsinki

Publication date ‏

Hardcover ‏

223 pages

Language ‏

ISBN-10 ‏


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Kalman Tanito

Active Member

129 messages 0 likes

For you, hardcore Titanic fans, a new book about the Titanic’s Finns (in Finnish):

Appelsin, Ulla: Titanicin tuntematon lapsi (The Unknown Child of the Titanic)

Publisher: Gummerus Kustannus Oy
ISBN: 9512064081
Hardcover, 223 pages
Available: 01 August 2003
Price: 31,50 euros

I have not seen the book yet, so I cannot comment on it — but have heard that it is interesting.


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Bob Godfrey

Senior Member

6,017 messages 124 likes

The title suggests it might be specifically about the Panula family, but with over 200 pages it must surely be a broad coverage of all the Finns. Hopefully there will be an edition in English. All the publishers need is a good translator with Titanic credentials - Kalman, step forward!

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Michael Tennaro

Active Member

682 messages 9 likes

Kalman, I agree with Bob, you would be the perfect choice for an English translation! care to get into the translating biz?

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T

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Kalman Tanito

Active Member

129 messages 0 likes

Here is a brief review of the book by Juha Peltonen, who has access to it:


Released in the Fall of '03, this Finnish language hardcover concentrates on the history of the Finnish Panula family -- of Mr. Juho and Mrs. Maria Panula, their many children and the eventual recognition of the Unknown Child via DNA tests. Some of the 224 pages also contain information on other Finns on board the Titanic. Included are 35 photos related to the Panulas and to the ill-fated liner. An interesting book.
(Juha Peltonen)


If an American publisher wants to have the book published in English, then perhaps I would go for it (I am a freelance translator in addition to my other duties). Until then, Juha and I are thinking about writing a book of our own on the Finns - but this may take a LONG time to be finished 🙂


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Sharon A. Panula


5 messages 0 likes

🙂 I certainly am interested in this book. As a member of the Ladies of Kaleva I'm sure I could find someone to translate for me --- but that would take a Looonnng time so of course it would be Great if it was published in English.
Thanks for the heads up, Mr.Godfrey. Go for it Kalman. 🙂

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Arne Mjåland

Active Member

213 messages 0 likes

On September 12 2000 I got a letter from Kiteen kaupunginkirjasto (a library in Finland) that Ahti Kopperi waas working on the Stranden family.(Juho Stranden was passenger on the Titanic).
I contacted Ahti, and he told me that he was working with that book. Anybody know what has happened to it?

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Hildur Panula-Heinonen

Active Member

381 messages 5 likes

my grandma gave them most the info on our family for the book. it will be out into english and alot of other languages soon.

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Melinda Laura Varju

Active Member

75 messages 0 likes

Hey everyone,

Does anyone know the Titanic book, which has the Panula family in it?/What is it called? I am very interested in the Scandinavian passengers, especially in the Anderssons, Palssons, and the Panulas. I would love to have the Panula family picture plus read more about the Finnish passengers!

[Moderator's note: This post was in another thread started today, but has been moved to the pre-existing one on the same subject. JDT]

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